Appearances & reviews

Cover designed by Eva Nazarova and illustrated by Ilyanna Kerr.

Worldcon in Glasgow, Scotland, is now sadly over. I had a fantastic time and have written about it on my Ko-Fi. For the record, the programme events I was on were:
Thursday 8 August 2024 13:00: Policing the High Frontier
In 1987 the BBC TV show Star Cops gave us the international Space Police Force. What would policing orbital colonies, asteroid settlements, moon settlements and spacecraft moving around the solar system look like in the next 30 years? What would it be for? Can we avoid replicating the issues found in policing on Earth? Delightfully, this panel was cited in an article about forensic science in space.
Thursday 8 August 2024 17:30: Fight the Power: Systems as Villains in SFF
Sometimes the system (or society) is the bad guy. This panel will look at stories that engage with problematic systems and how they cause evil, as well as what heroes can do to fight them. (Available online and for replay to convention members.)
Friday 9 August 2024 16:00: Copaganda and the Judge Dredd Conundrum
If 2000 AD's Judge Dredd started out as a punk rebellion against the right-wing politics of the 1970s, have the Judges now morphed to become a symbol of law and order rather than a satire? Our panel discusses the changing perceptions and roles of Judge Dredd and his cohorts.
Sunday 11 August 2024 09:00: Stroll with the Stars - The Tall Ship
Sunday 11 August 2024 19:00: Doctor Who and Scotland
Is Doctor Who actually Scottish? Thus far there have been four Scottish Doctors, from Sylvester McCoy to Ncuti Gatwa, current occupant of the TARDIS. Several Doctor Who stories have been set in Scotland while there are rumours that the TARDIS itself can be seen in central Glasgow. How has the Scottishness of the Doctors influenced the show? And how has the country been reflected in the programme? (Available for replay to convention members.)
Monday 12 August 2024 10:00: Table Talk: SJ Groenewegen.
Monday 12 August 2024 11:30: 75th Anniversary of 1984
2024 sees the 75th anniversary of the publication of 1984 and its entry into the public domain. 'Orwellian' has become an adjective, and ideas from the book have become part of popular culture, from newspeak to Room 101. Our panel talks about the book itself and the myths and misunderstandings that have grown up around it, as well as its legacy and imprint on subsequent dystopian fiction and imagery.

The online panel discussion about the roots and future of feminist science fiction, with a special focus on Clarion West founder Vonda N. McIntyre and other major influences on the genre, was on Saturday, 8 June 2024. I was beyond stoked to be appearing with Nicola Griffith, Nisi Shawl and Una McCormack to talk about this topic. Vonda McIntyre's work was a big influence on my own writing. The panel discussion is part of the publicity for Little Sisters and Other Stories, a new collection of her short fiction by GoldSF with an introduction by Una. I understand that the panel might be made available later online, but haven't yet had that confirmed.

I greatly enjoyed the Cymera SFFH festival in Edinburgh on 1 and 2 June. I spent most of it on the table for Glasgow Worldcon, but also did a five-minute reading during Sunday's open mic from The Disinformation War.

Looking further in the future, next year I should be at Eastercon Reconnect in Belfast, Worldcon in Seattle, and the World Fantasy Convention in Brighton (30 October to 2 November 2025). 

It’s been over a year now since my novel, The Disinformation War, was published in paperback (ISBN 9781913380809). An ebook version is now available through Amazon and Kobo, and most places that sell/rent/loan ebooks (ISBN 9781913380793). Readers are leaving reviews of the novel in various places — thank you! I encourage people to leave reviews because it helps spread the word about the book. I was thrilled to read a wonderfully thoughtful review by my favourite book-tempting Womble in early February 2024. I also love the kind words people are sharing with me about it. Thank you for taking that time. It means a lot. Extra special thanks to people who thought it worthy enough to nominate for various awards and prizes.

A reminder: on Ko-Fi each Monday I'm posting about politics and each Thursday about writing. Do consider following me there to keep in touch. At present, I'm posting them for free but putting most behind a pay wall after a few weeks.

Updated: 6 September 2024.